Symptoms of Gastrointestinal Disorders, Herbal Treatment for Acidity

Products to treat acidity can be commonly availed from market at present. Majority of the products to treat acid reflux generally functions by improving the production of digestive enzymes in body. Certain herbs and foods are found to be very effective toreduce the symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders.

Clove oil is one among the fine examples of cure used in the herbal treatment for acidity. Those people in search of a natural way to alleviate the risk due to acidity are advised to include clove oil in daily diet.

Similar to clove oil, you can also make use of cumin seedsin the natural remedies for gas problem. If possible, prepare and consume food sources added with cumin seeds daily. Similar to cumin seeds, you can also make use of fennel seeds to improve the process of digestive enzymes in body.

As per studies, fennel seeds are found to be equipped with a good number of health advantages. Apart from improving the process of digestive enzymes, regular inclusion of this exotic food source is also found to be very effective to improve the functioning of respiratory system.


In order to get effective result, you can consume buttermilk regularly with meals. Buttermilk can promote the production of digestive enzymes in body safely and naturally. So as to obtain the best result, feel free to include food sources added with jaggary in diet. High iron composition is a key feature of jaggary.

Those people in search of a safe cure to alleviate the difficulties due to acid reflux can make use of holy basil tea in daily diet. Holy basil tea consumption can reduce the risk of stress naturally. This feature in turn maintains the normal hormonal balance in body without any side effect. For the best result, consume a cup of holy basil tea daily in the morning.

Lack of exercise is yet another factor that lead way to troubles like acidity. This condition can be alleviated by doing regular exercises for at least thirty minutes per day. Surya namaskar is one among the best exercises that can improve the production of digestive enzymes in body and cure heartburn, indigestion and gas.

Regular inclusion of papaya fruit is also found to be very effective to treat acidity and indigestion problems. Papain enzyme in papaya fruit naturally improves the production of digestive enzymes in body. Apart from papaya, you can also make use of herbal cures like green tea capsules in daily life. Always make sure that you are buying product from a reliable brand.

Ginger, a common spice added in food recipes is one among the herbal supplements for digestive disorders. It can promote the production of digestive enzymes in body naturally. If possible, drink a cup of ginger tea daily after meals. Similar to ginger, you can also make use of apple cider vinegar to promote the production of digestive enzymes in body.

Diluted apple cider vinegar is a safe cure to promote the detoxification process in body. Herbozyme capsule is one among the best herbal products to treat acidity. 100% herbal composition is a key feature of this product. It promotes digestion and relieves the risk of constipation troubles naturally. For the best result, follow a lifestyle with nutritive diet and regular exercises.


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